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VITAX Copper Mixture 175g

VITAX 'Copper Mixture' 175g

Copper Mixture blends three vital trace elements for use in crops that are suffering from trace element deficiencies – copper, manganese and zinc. Protecting and supporting a range of plants and crops, Copper Mixture can help correct copper deficiency in beets, onions and top fruit; tackle manganese deficiencies in many crops such as potatoes, beans and peas; and overcome zinc deficiency in fruit grown on sandy soils with high pH and phosphate levels.



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Only 7 left

Vitax Copper Mixture


Copper Mixture blends three vital trace elements for use in crops that are suffering from trace element deficiencies – copper, manganese and zinc. Protecting and supporting a range of plants and crops, Copper Mixture can help correct copper deficiency in beets, onions and top fruit; tackle manganese deficiencies in many crops such as potatoes, beans and peas; and overcome zinc deficiency in fruit grown on sandy soils with high pH and phosphate levels.

  • Use during periods of active growth

Apply early morning or during the evening

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