Ground Cover
Ground-cover Plants
A-Z Perennials, Autumn/Winter Colour, Evergreen, Ground Cover, Shady Areas, Ajuga, Shady Spots, Bees & Pollinators, A
Ajuga 'Burgundy Glow'
9cm Plants x 2
Perennials, A-Z Perennials, By Growth Height, By Growth Cycle, Evergreen, Ground Cover, Up to 20cm (Border), Ideal For, Shady Spots, Interesting Foliage, A
Ajuga 'Princess Nadia'
Medium Plug Plants x 4
Perennials, A-Z Perennials, By Growth Height, By Growth Cycle, Evergreen, Ground Cover, Up to 20cm (Border), Ideal For, Shady Spots, Interesting Foliage, A
Ajuga 'Rainbow'
Medium Plug Plants x 4